Saturday, September 10, 2011

Things take ages

New York City>Boulder

People bounce around
like bumper cars: or
the city is everyone's individual game of pinball

Switch locations:

I hear water
Cairns I saw were balanced
like a kabob
The highways were vacant
and ducks floated
or pruned their feathers
with silence

1 comment:

  1. interesting comparison between boulder and nyc. what really got me thinking was "New York City>Boulder". Initially i thought to what the symbol means mathematically and read nyc is greater than boulder. After finishing the poem though I read nyc is bigger than boulder. So I read the poem as a commentary on nyc that yes it is bigger, but not necessarily better than boulder (enjoyed the pastoral like depiction of boulder). By the way, was security beefed up in NYC for the Sept 11th anniversary?
