Providence evolves from destruction. We feel like death so we make color. Flexibility & complexity are procreated to overcome what once would have broken more staunch & stalwart positions and fortifications. Our robber-baron republic has evolved into aristocracy. It is an effective mechanism of persecution and repression, but it has not learned a truth of humanity as old & true as time itself: the harder you press, the more you fight & argue, the more ingrained it will become.
That is why the puritanism based justice here has failed, and will fail every day until it dies, to remove me & my ilk. I am... we are flexible. I will learn you, and it, and the back alleys & ways between and around all of it. They will just tell you, "No, you are bad because somebody once said somewhere, probably in another completely different context, that this was wrong." Fuck that, fuck them. A toddler has more common sense than most of the district attorneys & all of the judges who have let our country become a police state... Fucking capitalists.
The worst of the thing is the, "Preventative law." You will be arrested for this because this drug supposedly makes you into someone who is more likely to commit crimes... That tends to happen when you start making things that are not crimes illegal. It should be illegal to instruct others on what they can do to themselves, of their own accord with no effect on anyone else.
I hate police, all police. Every last damned one of them. I hate any man who feels that his view of the world is better than another's and then enforces it on them. I hate ignorance. Does anyone who doesn't live in a white-picket suburban brainwashed shithole actually feel safe when the P.D. is around? You aren't. It is class warfare. They are all morons who believe that being legally justified is synonymous with being morally justified & superior.
That is my take, my opinion, and my experience. It is why I will do anything to undermine authority. Anarchy is the most bigoted, misunderstood & slandering word. When you say it to someone they see riots & murder & the end of the world behind their eyes. But that isn't anarchy, that is some bastard in Hollywood's perverse take on playing to people's sheepish fears and indolence. Nobody knows what anarchy is. Anarchy has never been. The only reason we evolved to communicate is so we could tell the other stupid cavemen what to do.
Don't be afraid. Don't be a coward. Change is scary, but change is good. If you don't step off the sidewalk you will only be walking in the footsteps of other men, on courses charted & planned & built by still more men. Nothing good ever comes of such things, only wasted lives as paste fed to the ant pile.
Good job London, keep on rioting
Well said Stubes, I couldn't agree more. This country has a major problem with apathy and ignorance and our people continue following the vicious cycle. All this said, I am glad there are some who can resist this oppression in the form of art and expression.