Tuesday, June 7, 2011

An Explanation followed by a Complication

 Many of my previous posts have been written without any explanation as to their content.  This is simply because I believe they are stand alone thoughts and items.  However, some of these are important moments, contents, and constructions of characters, themes, or plot devices which are supplimental content from a short fiction story I have been working process on for some time.  I am posting the outline here, so that some of the narrative will be apparent.

Premise:  This narrative is to take place in a semiparallel, semifuturistic construct much like that of Ayn Rands, Anthem.  The main character, Prometti, takes the titled position of Tinkerer in the beaurocratically organized city wherein the entirity of the narrative takes place.  The position he accepts and has been apprenticed under requires the maintenance of the entire mechanical workings of the city, including waterworks, the night lanterns, and any and all complex mechanical tasks.

Conflict:  The general claimed malfuncion of the cities underworkings, (which begins causing halucinations, apparations, and psychotic phenomina) forces the beaurocracy to remove the main charachter's master from his post and promote the young man in an effort to renovate the city to a state more conducive to their capitalist structure.  The young man grows to experience throughout the novel and comes to the conclusion that the structure they impose is no better than darwinism which has been restructured to benefit aristocrasy.  This realization coupled with his concomonate knowledge mastery of the construction of the city forces him to disillusion the beaurocracy and challenge them on evolutionary supremecy.

The Master:  An old man who has studied and mastered engineering in both theory and exercise.  A firm believer in self-autonomy and the betterment of self and knowledge.  This forces him to evolve literally and figuratively in his profession and form to create Prometti, and to entrust the city to the young man.
Prometti:   Apprentice become Master Tinkerer who's mastery of making borders on supernatural, in his ability to sense physical attributes of matter on instinct and feel.  This and advice from his forefathers cause him to begin making objects from his dreams and attempt to make a superior or equal companion in Delphinia.  His development as a charachter becomes more and more mechanical and rational action based as the novel progresses.
Delphinia: Mechanical construct created by Prometti who becomes self intelligent and autonomous due to the degrading and illusionary state of the city.  Her combined knowledge of her own artifice, combinded with her summarial loyalty and love of Prometti forces his evaluation of state as artifice of his master.  The violence with which the city gaurd regards her superior state and inability to be restricted forces Prometti to surrender himself to mechanical artifice in order to evolve and survive the coming conflict.
The City Guard:  The policing faction of the city who are both armed and equipped by Prometti and his master.  They use cast bicycles to patroll and cavalier the streets and act as a higher class in populace conflicts and answer only to the beaurocracic justice and aristocratic systems.
The Aristocracy:  The city is ruled by twelve elites, who are segregated as aristocratic royalty and have instituted officers of the guard and the justices to impose order.  A principle upon which the entirity of their objective, character, and station is organized.  This principle grows more and more impossible to maintain, which causes them to move through fear, to violence, and finally to attempting to govern by fear, as the city and populace degrade as per Prometti's defiance.
The Fireeater's Guild:  A group of beaurocratically selected religious advisors who smoke opiates and utilize the drug to impose theocracy on the lower levels of the caste system.  They also establish the aristocracies primary claim to rule as divine right through interpretation of drug induced visions followed by nostradomic insights, and see those occuring due to the cities nature to be a heretical offence.

Title: The Tinkerer

Plot Chronologue I: Charachter introduction
 Chapter 1: Called before the council, Prometti wanders the morning streets wondering what will be asked of him
 Chapter 2: The aristocracy demands that Prometti take the station of his master and repair the city
 Chapter 3: Prometti obeys as does his master who urges him to create of his own accord and desires.
 Chapter 4: Prometti wanders the streets and decides to make his work on a halucination he holds sublime

Plot Chronologue II: Building Delphinia
 Chapter 1: Prometti journeys to the Fireeaters Guild to seek council as to the consequences of what he aspires.  They denounce his ideals and threaten him as a heretic.
 Chapter 2: Prometti refuses their judgement, and makes way to the cities underworkings determined to change his world.
 Chapter 3: The young master finds his predecessors forge and workshop in the deepest portion of the underworkings, wherein he finds designs for what he sees as the perfect creature: Delphinia.
 Chapter 4: The forge is reborn, and Prometti builds Delphina,

Plot Chronologue III: Heretic Awake
 Chapter 1: Delphinia wakes and Prometti takes her through the city rife with hallucinations to see the City Council
 Chapter 2: The council sees Delphinia as an affront to humanity, and an abomination and order her destroyed and Prometti executed.
 Chapter 3: Delphinia demands her rights as an individual in nature, and begins murdering the guards restraining her.  After seeing this the aristocracy trades her life for Prometti's.
 Chapter 4: Prometti flees for his life from the city guard back to the underground

Plot Chronologue III: Rebirth
 Chapter 1: Prometti, determined to save the woman and creation he loves, draws himself a bath of molten brass and copper
 Chapter 2: Reborn as the masterpiece of his Master's design, Prometti makes for the forum to halt the execution.
 Chapter 3: A challenge to the cavaliers: Prometti meets them in the city forum and displays his mechanical mastery of physics
 Chapter 4: Prometti makes a pleading offer of love to Delphinia, telling her she need know no violence.  He begs her to direct him

Plot Chornologue IV: Redistribution
 Chapter 1: A challenge to the guards: Prometti storms the City Council, warning the guards first, then decimating them as if domesticating animals.
 Chapter 2: Prometti demands natural rights before the aristocracy, who refuse and order him destroyed.  The remaining guards threaten, then balk and turn on the aristocracy.
 Chapter 3: Delphinia makes the Fireeater's guild, and at the sight and speech of her they recant their theocracy.  Prometti arrives and demands of them to be curators and interpreters of the hallucinations and illusions in the city to alieviate the pschosis of the population.
 Chapter 4: Prometti leaves the city to seek out his Master in the land beyond in exile.  They discuss the meaning of artifice and its impact on individuality.

1 comment:

  1. This is going to be amazing, I can't wait to see how this unfolds.
